Sunday, May 8, 2011

Writing again

          Disclaimer: Please bear with me this blog post, it’s earky (12:30 AM) and I’m tired from my track meet yesterday morning/afternoon. I’m falling asleep as I write this just so ya know. Sorry if this doesn’t exactly make sense……
Blog post helped along by Wizard Rock.

I’m assuming everybody knows about the budget cuts that the schools have been getting (who doesn’t know about them?). When schools get budget cuts one of the first things they cut is music, closely followed by art and then anything even remotely artistic (why I have no idea, those things are important to!). Creative writing is one of the things schools cut. Creative writing is 1) an important form of expression and 2) a very helpful way to practice thinking out side the box. Creative writing is an important skill in life.

First I’ll enlighten you about the tremendously significant qualities of creative writing. Just kidding, I’m merely telling you my views on how creative writing is an important form of expression. Some people express themselves through playing an instrument, art, singing, cooking, and several other forms. My favorite is writing because I like be able to put my thoughts down on paper. “Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. said William Wordsworth (he was a poet back in 1780’s). I think that what he said perfectly explains how creative writers feel when they write, I know that’s how I feel at least. Writing a story is more then just creating a character and thinking of a story line, although those are very important, you have to have a passion for writing. You have to write from your heart, the words are already written you just have to transfer them to paper.

As I’ve said before, creative writing is good practice for thinking outside the box. Especially when you’re writing a sci-fi or fantasy book because, well that’s when you have really crazy plots and story lines. Don’t even try to tell me that’s easy. Creating an outline for a story is an exercise that can be used for creating and solving problems, which is distantly related to math. And yes, I do know that you think I’m crazy for saying that. I know that solving for X is not the same as figuring out how to create and solve story line problems but it’s a step in the same direction.

Now you know why I think creative writing is important, I hope you agree. Creative writing is an important skill that is not being taught in schools. I hope that the public schools will be able to add creative writing back into their list of classes because it is important. It’s a skill that can be used in other subjects, not only the arts.


  1. Weasleywitch - your passion for writing really comes across here and you make several creative and worthwhile links between writing and other problem solving skills. I also really like your use of the Wordsworth quote -- tying it into your own passion. Still, I would like to see you spend more time addressing opposing positions and providing rebuttal for them. Also, this would be a great place to link to fan fiction sites you recommend, etc. (take advantage of the multi-media potential of your blog). You have a great start here, but this is a topic I know you have a lot to say about and this probably could be easily expanded into a more detailed discussion. So, yes, my usual mantra: what you have is strong -- now give me MORE! :)

  2. Hi Weasleywitch,
    I have no doubt that you love writing now. You made good use of the wordsworth quote, but I would add at least another one, or a poem about writing to incorporate into your post. You have a really strong post. I would add links to writing and fanfic sites though (Multimedia :) I really, really like the post!

  3. great job I think you really put alot of yourself even in your post although I didn't see to much "fighting the opposing view point" nice post!

  4. Love the quote! I would personally like more structure in your paragraphs :)

  5. Your passion for writing really shines through this post! Great quote too! I think you ideas are organized really well but you just need to explain them more. :)
